3 action Hide('custom_screen', dissolve) #This is the "Done" button, with the Hide() screen action, wich in this case hides the very screen where it is created. 2 #Some text to see if we're seeing the screen Modal True #The screen has to be modal, right? So nothing below it can be clicked Textbutton _("Custom") action Show('custom_screen', dissolve) #Here we add the button that launches our custom screen, with a dissolve transition Textbutton _("Prefs") action ShowMenu('preferences') Textbutton _("Q.Load") action QuickLoad() Textbutton _("Q.Save") action QuickSave() Textbutton _("Save") action ShowMenu('save') In this video, I cover Ren'Py menus and labels, which will allow us to let the player make choices in the game, and let us jump to different parts of the scr. Textbutton _("Auto") action Preference("auto-forward", "toggle") Textbutton _("Skip") action Skip() alternate Skip(fast=True, confirm=True) Textbutton _("History") action ShowMenu('history') # Ensure this appears on top of other screens. If you're re-purposing it, you may want to make sure your Say window doesn't use quickmenu or that will make it always show when there's dialog. The quick menu by default is supposed to show on the say window.
Renpy quick menu buttons code#
If possible, some actual code examples showing how the above could be accomplished would be highly appreciated - I learn best when I can follow the actual code. If you don't want it to function as one, that's fine. Is there a 'call'-type feature that works with the quick menu? How do I implement a similar capability for my own 'temporary' screens that need to return to the current screen when done. The screen displays but there is no way for me to remove it (I haven't seen anything in the documentation about a callback function or anything similar that would enable my code to regain control to then provide the 'hide' instruction).Ī related question: how would I go about implementing an entire screen transition *from the quick menu* that always returns to the current screen when done? For example, the existing 'Prefs' button on the quick menu displays the preferences screen and then returns control exactly as things were.
Renpy quick menu buttons how to#
However, I can't figure out how to make this work from a quick menu button. I can display it simply enough, capture the 'done' click, and then remove the screen (basically following the approach shown in the Tutorial's code for the 'RPG Stats' screen). I've created the screen and it works fine if I call it directly from my script (not based on any user interaction). When the user clicks a 'Done' button, the screen clears and the game continues as it was. When clicked, a modal screen should appear displaying information to the user. Here's what I am trying to accomplish: I want to add a button to the quick menu. I'm stuck on how to implement something in Ren'py.